Friends, here’s my take on that deep question, “What if Queen Elizabeth the First had been a crustacean?” She has also been chosen as a finalist in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s Art Prize competition — enough to please any Aquatic Monarch! :) She’s in fabulous company, which can be seen on the People’s Choice voting page (if you’re inclined to vote for your favorite pieces, the deadline Sept. 7, 2023 Australian Eastern time).
Two Sphinx WIPs, and a Head
Kind Visitor, thank you for continuing to come see me! It has been a long strange year and more. I hope you and yours are prevailing! <3 Here are a couple of pieces underway, soon to fly to their home, from my newly set up studio.
Abyssal Angel

This one was honored to appear in the Lucid Dreaming show at the Copro Gallery in Santa Monica, CA. The show was sponsored by Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and featured many fascinating creations by colleagues. I wish I could’ve been there myself! But Abyssal Angel went solo, and found a home at once, which was lovely.
Mlle Shrimp wanted to visit...
Dream of Quan Yin, 3 views

La Belle Crustacé, a shrimp in progress
This one is in Premier air-dry clay with washi paper. She'll be completed and painted -- but here she is as a work in progress...
Happy 2016, and a Winter Sphinx to you!
Winter Sphinx stands about 24" tall, sculpted in Premier air-dry clay with washi paper and wood.
Faun for the Sea of Trees, completed
This one joined the Allen Williams show "Summoned," Oct. 2014 at the Krab Jab Studio gallery in Seattle.
Faun for the Sea of Trees
This lucky creature had the honor of appearing at the Krab Jab Studio (Seattle, WA) in artist Allen Williams' wonderful show, "Summoned." The show has a closing reception Oct. 31, 2014, 6-9 pm.
Updated Goblin Spider Fragment, with Mice...
About 15" tall, in Kato Polyclay, with garnets and wood. I'm thinking of doing a limited edition of this one...
Shell-horned being, underway
Octopoid Fragment, progress
Octopoid Fragment underway
Octopoid Fragment (WIP)
Underway in Kato Polyclay
Sculpture of Mother Pauline von Mallinckrodt
Friends, I'm posting this image (already in the "Liturgical Work" gallery at left) for a certain visitor this morning. This sculpture -- about four feet tall and 300 pounds of plasticine -- was created while working with the Rohn liturgical arts company of Pittsburgh, more than twenty years ago. It represents the Blessed Mother Pauline. She's standing with a blind child, one of those for whom this German nun was advocate and protector. I was fortunate not only to create this piece but to travel to Rome with some hundred and eighty Sisters for the beatification ceremonies. Truly a rare adventure; many a tale connected there, to be sure.
I must run about headless chicken-wise now, but I will share a rather charming coincidence later, perhaps this evening.