Friends, an Insect Fragment in air-dry mixed media, with mulberry paper. Family Scarabaeidae of course!
Flemish Moth...
Here's a Moth, hatched from the Northern Renaissance... in Premier air-dry clay, mulberry paper with stainless steel and aluminum wire armature. Painted in acrylics, with metallic gold.
Faun for the Sea of Trees, II
In Kato Polyclay, with garnets and wood.
Faun for the Sea of Trees, completed
This one joined the Allen Williams show "Summoned," Oct. 2014 at the Krab Jab Studio gallery in Seattle.
Faun for the Sea of Trees
This lucky creature had the honor of appearing at the Krab Jab Studio (Seattle, WA) in artist Allen Williams' wonderful show, "Summoned." The show has a closing reception Oct. 31, 2014, 6-9 pm.
Updated Goblin Spider Fragment, with Mice...
About 15" tall, in Kato Polyclay, with garnets and wood. I'm thinking of doing a limited edition of this one...
Work in progress...
She must be constructed in pieces, to fit in the oven for curing. The segments will be well disguised, and in a sense it makes design more interesting: one comes up with things by necessity that end up being virtues, often!
Abyssal Angel, progressing
Abyssal Angel, WIP in Kato Polyclay over aluminum and Aves "Fixit Sculpt" armature. About 30" tall, with all appendages.
Kind Visitors,
May has become a strange month to me. I'm returning to the surface after a death in my family. As I resume work on these abyssal beings, I think of two who chose to die in water, and in May: my father many and many years ago, and now his twin sister, my aunt. She was friend, ally, artist, listener, vivid mind and believer in things not yet created. She leaves a hollow in the world, she leaves us standing on the shore. May has become a strange month.
More in a while, on the call of deep waters.
Abyssal Angel, armature underway
Armature in aluminum armature wire, with Kato Polyclay head and Aves Fixit Sculpt reinforcing armature points.
She'll appear at the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live event in Kansas City, May 17 - 19. (Going to be a busy couple of weeks here!!)
Octopoidal Progress
WIP in Kato Polyclay, about 16" tall including the base. She's still far from finished, but now has a nice critter on her back:
Shell-horned being, underway
Octopoid Fragment, progress
Octopoid Fragment underway
Octopoid Fragment (WIP)
Underway in Kato Polyclay