Kind Visitor, thank you for continuing to come see me! It has been a long strange year and more. I hope you and yours are prevailing! <3 Here are a couple of pieces underway, soon to fly to their home, from my newly set up studio.
Dream of Quan Yin, 3 views

Demon Harpy for Williams' Wyld
For an Allen Williams inspired show at the Krab Jab Studio in Seattle. My Friends, I realize I've been neglecting my site while cavorting about on social media! I will be aiming to rectify, and keep this much more up to date. For now:
Happy 2016, and a Winter Sphinx to you!
Winter Sphinx stands about 24" tall, sculpted in Premier air-dry clay with washi paper and wood.
The Morrigan
Friends, so sorry to have been blog-neglectful! I aim to mend my ways in 2016. Here's the Morrigan, Celtic battle goddess, shape-shifting phantom queen. She just got lucky and won the popular vote competition for Infected By Art (IBA) Volume 4. Thank you, everyone who participated!! So honored. There is a great deal ofastonishing work to see at Infected By Art, and the book will be incredible!
The Morrigan, mixed-media, about 19" tall.
Banshee, or Bean Sidhe
Banshee, back view
Banshee is wearing a shroud, or my idea of one. As you can see from the back, walking would be difficult. I wanted to imply some other, less familiar, mode of locomotion...
Banshee, work in progress
She's an 8 inch figure in Kato Polyclay, dressed in washi paper. Hair combing is something Banshees (when they are not wailing, I assume):
Banshee combing her hair
Circe, almost dressed
She awaits a leopard.
Yuki Onna
My take on a little Yuki Onna, snow spirit:
She's a miniature in Kato polymer clay, with silk and mohair.
And Faun Again
Eros, all put together

'Bast' by Lou
An old Selkie. Rather, an old picture of a young Selkie -- done perhaps ten years ago. Ink, watercolor pencil, with unorthodox (even uncouth) use of watercolor. Arches Hot Press paper, off a block, Caran D'Ache watercolor pencils, which are great if you favor drawing over painting, but desire colour.
I aim to do some more Selkies, in two and three dimensions.
Flidais Dressed
Just a quick image...