A tall being in Japanese air-dry clay, with tengucho mulberry paper.
Uptdated Fairy Herald
In Premier air-dry clay, with Kato Polyclay and washi paper. About 15.5 inches tall.
An 18th Century Style Fairy Bust
About 9" high, in Kato Polyclay, available through About Face Dolls
Frost Spirit, underway
An unfinished miniature in Kato Polyclay -- she was afterwards painted. She'd stand about 8 inches tall in stocking feet. Done listening to Vivaldi. Must admit, all of his Seasons sound wintery to me.
Back on the brighter side...
The same Paper Doll in her dress...
Paper Dolls
Part of a Faery Paper Doll set done for NIADA (National Institute of American Doll Artists) for their UFDC
(United Federation of Doll Clubs) lunch in Las Vegas last month. Other NIADA artists contributed some fascinating and diverse Paper Dolls for the event.
More soon on Globulous Gray Beings and Abject Fright.
A year today, astonishingly, since my mother's departure from this world. A curious day perhaps to work on paper doll sketches, but also somehow suitable, given our world. Anon, Friends.
A Victorian Garden Faery
More anon...
Early Spring Faery on her twig:

Early Spring Faery...
A young Faery, holding a flowering branch. She's a tiny creature, perched on faux twigs, who would stand perhaps 5 and 1/2 inches in her stocking feet. If she had stockings. More images before long. (She'll be flying the eBay faery realm
tonight or tomorrow.)
P.S. A possible change of plans: she may not fly as far as eBay, having perhaps found herself a home already, fortunate little creature. We shall see.
More Pregnant Fairy
This one went to live in Australia
(Click on the Image to visit the Auction)
Kind Friends,
More very shortly -- just getting this posted in in what feels like the small hours.
A Creature Nearing Completion

When she’s finished, this strange little hybrid herb-gatherer is going to live with a kind (and exceedingly patient) friend in London, who is herself an herbalist.
Kato Polyclay over full armature of gold-plated wire and Aves Fixit Sculpt. Wings are distressed silk gauze.
Caterpillar’s Picnic

A very tiny pair of friends. Kato Polyclay, with brush bristles, and
Genesis heat-set oil paints.
Faery has her wings...