Sculpture of Mother Pauline von Mallinckrodt

Friends, I'm posting this image (already in the "Liturgical Work" gallery at left) for a certain visitor this morning.  This sculpture -- about four feet tall and 300 pounds of plasticine -- was created while working with the Rohn liturgical arts company of Pittsburgh, more than twenty years ago. It represents the Blessed Mother Pauline.  She's standing with a blind child, one of those for whom this German nun was advocate and protector. I was fortunate not only to create this piece but to travel to Rome with some hundred and eighty Sisters for the beatification ceremonies. Truly a rare adventure; many a tale connected there, to be sure.

I must run about headless chicken-wise now, but I will share a rather charming coincidence later, perhaps this evening. 

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And Another Angel...

For a Russian  Orthodox Cathedral dome in Pennsylvania.  There were 12 angels in a ring, each with a wingspan of approximately 14 feet. They were, with the madonna in the apse, my part of the project. It was possible to begin them on canvas (seen here) in studio, then affix them to the dome, and do some finishing in situ. A fascinating experience...

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