Mighty honored to be reviewing...

Turns out that I'll be helping review 3-D portfolios at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live (May 9-11, 2014, Kansas City, MO). Most honored, and will bring my brain. I'm so eager to see all the remarkable work  that's bound to be there -- lots and lots of it!

Friends, here's more info on the 3-D portfolio reviews, and how to sign up, from the folks at SFAL3:

3D PORTFOLIO REVIEWS will be held at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live this May 10th in Kansas City, MO. www.sfalkc.com
Wed. April 9 at 12 noon Central Time Zone will be when sign-ups open for portfolio reviews at the Spectrum Live website on the NEWS page.
Each person is limited to 2 reserved spots (to try to give everyone a chance) and we'll see about setting up a hotline here on Wed. morning.
Giving 3D portfolio reviews will be, Tim Bruckner, Forest Rogers, Virginie Ropars, J. Anthony Kosar, Dan Chudzinksi, Brandon Shiflett and Jarrod Shiflett.

(It looks like who's reviewing has shifted a little -- though happily we still  have Shifletts!)


Baba Chicken

WIP in medium NSP Chavant clay -- Baba Yaga's Chicken, done in one of the superb classes at AnatomyTools.com. Jordu Schell and Andrew Cawrse were teaching, a couple of years back. That was enormous fun and great experience -- highly recommended. Just dug these snapshots out:

Be sure to check out AnatomyTools -- great workshops, supplies and anatomical reference figures:

Tim Bruckner on Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 3, May 9-11

If I figure out how, I'll post some of the wonderful artist videos Tim Bruckner has put together to represent Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 3 (SFAL3) May 9-11, 2014. But alas! I'm not quite sure how to do it. So, here's a link to Tim's FaceBook page, where you will find those and also of course Tim's own fabulous work!

Also, there will be a 3-D portfolio review opportunity at SFAL3, with some of the best offering their thoughts:

Click image to visit the SFAL3 page!

Click image to visit the SFAL3 page!