Underway in Kato Polyclay
Banshee, or Bean Sidhe
Banshee, back view
Banshee is wearing a shroud, or my idea of one. As you can see from the back, walking would be difficult. I wanted to imply some other, less familiar, mode of locomotion...
Dragon Woman (work in progress)
She's in Kato Polyclay, and would stand about 10 inches tall were she a human with legs.
'Dover Beach'
In part:
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
~ Matthew Arnold, 1867
Things do so call accross time, ever and again.
Marginalia, underway
Kato Polyclay with wood, paper, copper foil, gold leaf and silk ribbon.
I love the playfulness and endless invention of marginalia that climb and wriggle about the edges of medieval manuscripts. So, since I had a wee head awaiting a body (or equivalent thereof) I thought I would play likewise...
White Deer Marginalia
Banshee, work in progress
She's an 8 inch figure in Kato Polyclay, dressed in washi paper. Hair combing is something Banshees (when they are not wailing, I assume):
Banshee combing her hair
Fire on the Mountain
A heavy tanker drops fire retardant while fighting the Flagstaff wildfire on Tuesday, June 26, in Boulder." (Jeremy Papasso / Daily Camera)
There is a forest fire near enough to sting the eyes and roughen the throat, billows of smoke rolling east to be seen looking up our street this afternoon. We here, and the nearby university, should be OK. But there have already been evacuations on the mountain, and for the animals an birds... alas. Best thoughts to those fighting the fire. One of the quite heroic planes.
Just a Face Underway
She'll be a strange little bust:
Another East of the Sun, West of the Moon
A piece inspired by the work of Kay Nielsen, whose illustrations I discovered as a small child. In Premier air dry clay, about 14.5 inches tall:
East of the Sun, West of the Moon: girl on a white bear in air dry Premier clay.
East of the Sun, West of the Moon
“Genuine love is a personal revolution. Love takes your ideas, your desires, and your actions and welds them together in one experience and one living reality which is a new you. ”
~ Thomas Merton, Love and Living
February 14
Sonnet XLV
For every lovely ordinary thing
My heart would do with thee apace each hour:
Because these cannot be, Beloved, no bower
Holds that bright true center, and spread of wing
O’er tossing hollows blown doth truer sing
Our tale than nested wren or nightingale's lure;
Let us embrace the harsh high cry, grieved pure
Call of sea bird bowed in wind, and wring
From aerie solitude a liquid silver link
So bright and darting strange that none may sunder
This heart from thine, though tumbling chasm brink
Should yawn between. Thus sleep quiet, wonder
Of the daily round, dear in fading ink,
Whilst Love doth run the racing salt-sewn thunder...
~ Isabelle Rathbone Greene, c. 1894
The Snow Maiden
Another wonderful Russian being. I wanted to present her in the act of melting:
My first sculpting experience...
... I think. On the beach with my artist mother Lou, working on a giant sand-toad:
My artist mother, Lou Rogers, and myself on a beach in Rhode Island.
Miragaia, Carnegie Collection
The original Miragaia model in Kato Polyclay, for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History's line. This was taken prior to final approval, as I recall -- some changes were still to be made.