I was honored to do an interview with Prehistoric Times, a quarterly publication for dinosaur enthusiasts and collectors. It appears in the current issue (no. 92) and was instigated by Dan Liebman of Dan's Dinosaurs, who asked excellent questions.
Yuki Onna
My take on a little Yuki Onna, snow spirit:
She's a miniature in Kato polymer clay, with silk and mohair.
Baba Yaga Dressed
Baba Yaga with necklace
Moving the Site soon...
My Galleries at SquareSpace
My sites are in a mid-move and in a bit of a muddle, so I post the link above to my galleries over on SquareSpace, in case anybody's looking for them. I'm finally getting poised to move over to SquareSpace, largely because I like the design flexibility and control it offers to those of us who aren't CSS literate. Full forwarding should be installed when I actually do the move, so you're likely to hardly notice. The main URL will be www.ForestRogers.com as it is here. All my raveled urls shall be knit up, ultimately. And I've been concocting some entirely new pages, too.
But more of that later -- my birds are waiting for their supper! They're listening to Verdi, and watching "Planet Earth" on the television. But birds like routine, and mustn't be kept waiting..."Indigo Wendigo"
Something I cannot not say.
The United States Supreme Court made a radical decision yesterday. In a 5 to 4 vote, it reversed several generations' worth of policy. It removed all restrictions on corporate political spending. It did this under the guise of ‘freedom of speech’ for corporations as individual entities.
This promises the very antithesis of freedom of speech for individual Americans, whose voices may altogether drown. It favors speech purchased at an ever more exorbitant price. It will not be government by the people for the people, but government by profit, for profit. It advocates the near unlimited purchase of politicians by such as those lumbering giants whose self-interest helped maim the economy. It is a form of might makes right.
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”
~ Abraham LincolnOr shall it?
Tomorrow and tomorrow
Bringing forth wings and feathers like angels;
After that, soaring higher than angels-
What you cannot imagine
I shall be that.
~ Rumi
No matter what is going on
Never give up
Develop the heart
Too much energy in your country
Is spent developing the mind
Instead of the heart
Be compassionate
Not just to your friends
But to everyone
Be compassionate
Work for peace
In your heart and in the world
Work for peace
And I say again
Never give up
No matter what is going on around you
Never give up
~His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Friday, December 18, 2009 at 08:06 PM
"Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Even the lowliest insect strives for protection against dangers that threaten its life. Just as each one of us wants happiness and fears pain, just as each one of us wants to live and not die, so do all other creatures."
~His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Silvershod, Silver Hoof for the Season
The Wendigo
Wendigo by Lou Rogers, my mother. Oil on canvas.
A hungry wind was crying ‘round the house last night in bitter cold, tearing the skin off the snow. It put me in mind of this image. My mother painted her vision of the Wendigo at least twice, and I knew its name when I was very small. Her favorite tale of the Wendigo was the literary one by Algernon Blackwood. The Wendigo is a legendary being of Algonquian-speaking cultures. Its name appears in various forms: Windiga, Witiko, Weendigo...
I miss...
...working large. One of my angels, who flew to a dome (see "Liturgical Work" gallery) and had a 14 foot wingspan. I need to find a vulnerable building. But meantime, a Merry Midwinter to us!
On the Work Table
Monday, September 14, 2009 at 12:22 AM
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."
~Thomas Merton